Fascinating! The truth about fat: “Fat does not make you fat.”

Have you ever heard about that statement? You are probably thinking that that has nothing to do with the truth. Every time you ask somebody on the street about what tipe of food make us fat, they say “When you eat lots of fatty stuff, of course.” Well, that’s not truth. The media and the advertisers were sharing that story with us just to make us blind. So that we don’t buy the food that make us full for a long time, but the food that make us more hungry so that we could buy more.

Later, there were more and more people who were obese. They didn’t know why is that so. Time Magazine made one article with the picture on which was a plate with eggs and bacon and a sad face with the title “And now the bad news” They wanted to show that eggs and the bacon are bad for your cholesterol. Some time later, they published a new article with the same picture but with happy face and with the title “And now the good news”. It is so easy to manipulate with people. Everybody were so suprised. Why can’t people think with their own head and figure out what is good and what is bad for their health (that is really logical).

The truth is that fat does not make us fat, carbs do! In natural fats we can include, all tipes of meat, fish, bacon, natural butter, all natural oil, olive oil, avocado, all nuts, eggs etc.. And what make us fat are bad carbs like wheat, flour, sugar, alcohol etc. The food which contains good fats and fibers make us feel full longer, they slow your digestion, and you are feeling really good in your belly the whole time. Bad carbs and sugars make us hungry again and they go immediately in our blood and make fat cells in our body.

You can read more about this subject in the book “Eat fat, get thin“, from MD. Mark Hyman. He describes everything about how the fat influences to our body. $_35
You can find his books with recipes here:

10-day Detox Diet Cookbook
The Eat Fat, Get Thin Cookbook
The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet Cookbook

I experienced it myself. I got rid of all of the bad carbs, sugars, drinks full of sugar, and included all good fats, eggs and bacon every day, olive oil, butter with everything, fat from meat etc.. I lost 15 kg and I was feeling full the whole time with the perfekt feeling in my stomack ๐Ÿ™‚
You can try it yourself too. You won’t regret it. And you have to admit, fatty food is sooooo much better!! ๐Ÿ˜‰
Comment below what you think about this kind of lifestyle! Do you have some similar experience? ๐Ÿ™‚

My food love story

This post will be about my side of food love story. 4 years ago, I was 20 years old, 159 cm high and 69 kg. That was a little bit too much for a girl so small. But I didn’t think that that was something that I need to worry about. I was still young. I could enjoy eating the food which I wanted. The sad thing was that I didn’t take it seriously. For myself, my body was ok. I thought, the time will come when I won’t eat so much anymore. Nobody told me what is healthy and what is not. Nobody knew that. They were eating just like me. Of course that I would eat just like them. They were saying “You are so sweet and chubby.” That was good to hear and I thought, ah thanks, good, I look good :). Then I figured out, that I was to big for only 159 cm. I need to do something.
Then I meet my boyfriend, today husband ๐Ÿ™‚ He wanted to have good body and be healthy. He was playing football, he was running like crazy everyday, but he didn’t see the results. “WHERE ARE THE AABSSS??” He was skinny, but something wasn’t right. How could he runn so much, eat once a day, something small like bread or cookies with milk, because he didn’t have time to eat, and having NOO AABSSS?! Something was really weird. We started exploring the new sides of eating food. Which food to eat to lose fat and weight, which combinations are good to eat, which food will give us the energy which we need for a day, etc.
At the beggining, it was so funny, we have red somewhere, that eating pasta without anything is really healthy, because you don’t mix it with other food. We were eating sooooo much pasta, at the time, but we were still soo hungry and still was nothing changing. Ok, I was getting bigger again, because I was a food lover, and I couldn’t stop eating haha. Later, we were watching so much youtube videos from different fitness trainers and nutricionists, so much articles about food combinations, healthy eating, fitness, and we found something what was working for us. It was something like LCHF diet. Of course, food that you need to eat is natural food, which you can found in nature, not in laboratories. A lots of veggies, all kinds of meat, nuts, natural fats and the smallest part of a meal can be natural carbohydrates. You don’t need carbohydrates every meal. That’s not the rule. Here is one book that can help you better understand LCHF diet. Summer barbecue eddition with recipes.
After 2 months, I lost 8 kg. So, that means 1 kg in a week. That’s perfekt amount of losing weight correctly. And, you could see a little bit of ABS on my husband’s belly ๐Ÿ˜€ Plus, we were working out around 3 times a week, just to be in a shape and keep the skin tight.
Every week or every 2 weeks, we had interresting cheat meals or cheat days and we really enjoyed it. That still works for us today ๐Ÿ˜‰
I will put pictures of our cheat meals every time we have one, so that you can come up with some ideas for your cheat meals.
Tell me in comments what do you want to know more about our diet and training ! ๐Ÿ˜€